Police K-9 Certification Standards of the
National Tactical Police Dog Association, Inc. (NTPDA) in all or any areas of:
Article Search
Narcotics Detection
Explosives Detection
Eligibility for Certification
NTPDA shall have two categories of certification:
Police K-9 team certification. This category of certification is a working law enforcement K-9 team certification.​
​Professional Handler/Trainer Proficiency Certification. This category of certification allows professional trainers and/or handlers to demonstrate their training through passing the NTPDA evaluation. This is not a working law enforcement K-9 team certification, but rather a certificate of proficiency. Civilian police dog trainers and or handlers must be members in good standing of NTPDA to qualify. Examples: Professional Police Dog Trainers, Private Detection Handlers, K9 Security Officers, SAR K9 Handlers attached to a Volunteer SAR Team, Emergency Management, or Law Enforcement Agency. An official Letter must accompany the handler to the certification attesting to the affiliation dated within a week of the certification.
The following memberships available in NTPDA:
Professional Membership
Law Enforcement Membership
Departmental or Agency Membership
Certification Fees
The fee for certification shall be as follows for NTPDA members.
(Note you must be a member of NTPDA to certify in the following areas)
Patrol Certification: $75
Narcotics Certification: $50
Explosives Certification: $50
Trailing certification: $50
Article Search Certification: $50
Human Remains: $50